CBD oil

Can CBD help with Epileptic Seizures? Let’s Find Out

Seizures happen because of the sudden changes in the brain’s electrical activity. Different types of seizures may be caused due to brain infection, epilepsy, sleep deprivation, and drug overdose. 

Cannabidiol can, however, be of great help for managing anxiety and reducing chronic pain. CBD does not cause any impairing or euphoric feeling that is usually a characteristic of tetrahydrocannabinol. CBD oil usage can, however, be of great help for managing epileptic seizures. If you are wondering where to buy high-quality CBD oil, you can rely on cbdMd.

How can CBD oil help to stop seizures?

Cannabidiol is one of the major chemicals found in the cannabis plant that plays a vital role in treating various conditions. It helps the person with a wide range of conditions. CBD isn’t the same as THC, and therefore, it makes you slightly happy. It is extracted from marijuana plants and turns into oil when being swallowed. 

CBD oil can play an essential role in curing seizures as it helps activate the body’s cells. These cells are usually a part of the nervous system that plays a vital role in boosting memory. According to researchers, the exact impact of CBD for curing seizures is not yet found. However, it can play an essential role in protecting brain cells against damage. Furthermore, it also protects you from becoming too excited. 

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Our body has neurotransmitters and receptors referred to as the endocannabinoid system. The system is responsible for regulating bodily functions such as improving the immune system, pain, and appetite, and CBD can significantly interact with the receptors. 

However, a drug known as Epidolex helps enhance the impact. The Food and Drug Administration has approved the drug and states that the prescription drug helps cure Dravet Syndromes and Lennox-Gastaut, which is crucial for treating different kinds of epilepsy. It helps treat seizures and can also help with genetic disorders such as tuberous sclerosis complex. 

Can CBD oil be helpful for seizures? 

Yes. CBD oil is one of the most prominent things for treating seizures. However, more research needs to be done to determine the impact. The use of CBD oil needs to be approved by the FDA. As per FDA, some of the necessary conditions that the use of CBD oil can help to treat are the following:

Dravet Syndrome

Dravet Syndrome is a rare type of epilepsy. People suffering from Dravet syndrome are likely to be treated using any medicines. In one of the studies, the participants aged 2 to 18 were given Epidiolex and a placebo, and they were made to consume 20mg/kg of it. 

Epidolex can result in a significant drop in the frequency of epileptic seizures. While the placebo group suffered less, the ones who took Epidolex had a significant benefit. 

CBD oil for tuberous sclerosis complex

Tuberous sclerosis complex is a severe condition that affects around 1 in every 6000 people. Since this is a genetic condition, it promotes the growth of noncancerous tumors. Furthermore, it can affect different parts of the body, and the tumor can often lead to seizures in people. 

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The group administered with Epidolex tends to reflect a significant drop in the condition than those who consumed a placebo. 

CBD for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

Because the Lennox-Gastaut condition is severe, it only affects children. There have been numerous cases of childhood epilepsy that can be highly handful. The children prescribed Epidolex tend to show lesser impact due to the condition than those with a placebo. 

How to Use CBD Oil for seizures?

Before starting CBD oil for treating seizures, it is advisable to consider reaching out to a doctor. Your doctor can only help you determine the best way to treat seizures with CBD. 

Since many people have claimed that they had more epilepsy after taking the CBD, more research needs to be done. It is advisable to reach out to a medical professional who can monitor the frequency of epileptic episodes and then provides you with a solution. Epidolex can be extremely helpful for overcoming epilepsy. Nonetheless, it is advisable to check the response and tolerability of the person towards the medicine before making any concrete choice. 

Individuals taking CBD oil for treating seizures should refrain from the abrupt stoppage. If you stop the medicines abruptly, you are likely to face an increase in your seizure episodes. 

Does CBD interfere with medicines? 

It is necessary to note if you’re taking any extra medicines for curing seizures. According to medical professionals, antiepileptic drugs and CBD increases suicidal thoughts and behaviors. However, this rare condition affects around one in every five hundred people. 

CBD can therefore interact with any other medicines that you’re consuming. It can affect the rate of your seizures. You need to understand which medicine is the most helpful for you. However, some of the prominent drugs that CBD can interact with within no time include:

  • Clobazam
  • Stiripentol
  • Rufinamide
  • Valproic acid
  • Zonisamide
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Never choose CBD as a replacement for your medicine. It would help consider reaching out to the doctor to find the best solution. Traditional medicines can be helpful, but they will only worsen the impact. You need to consult a doctor who can help you adjust the medicine dosage. 

What are the side effects of using CBD for seizures? 

While CBD can be helpful for seizures, there are specific side effects you need to be careful about. Some of the common side effects due to the use of CBD for seizures include the following:

  • Sudden loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Sleeplessness

Furthermore, if CBD interacts with certain medicines, it can also increase the risk of liver damage. Since the FDA hasn’t yet approved CBD oil, you may want to avoid it. It is advisable to use CBD oil tested for damage, especially for impurities. 

Final Words

CBD oil is excellent, and however, more research needs to be done to determine its impact on treating seizures. CBD can, however, be highly effective for treating two of the rarest types of seizures, such as tuberous sclerosis complex and epilepsy. It would help to be careful about the cannabis product you’re using because some strains may only increase the frequency of seizures. If you notice any increase in seizures, you should consider reaching out to your doctor.